Thursday, 30 June 2011

A big problem off my mind.. Like Finally!!! phew~~

Tonight I will be going for my School Orientation!! Yes Me... Never thought that I will go further my studies right.... Oh well, now I am going to school, and decision made solely by myself..

To have a better future and a better life, one has got to work hard.. So I decided to go further my studies and get a cert.. Really hard to survive in SG w/o a cert... It's been sucha long time that I last went to school, need some time to adjust!!!

Classes will start next Tues.. 3 times a week.. Woohoo!! Shall update more when school starts :)

This Sat is my birthday, and hubby decided to celebrate it with me out of SG.. I have chosen Malacca, somewhere near for a short getaway, and never been there before too... Will be going for a 2D1N trip..

Will update more when I am back :)

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